by Lorenzo BettiniSourcehighlightide is a Qt4 IDE for GNU Source-highlight,
In particular, it is useful when you have to develop a new language
definition file for source-highlight (Source-highlight reads source
language specifications dynamically, thus it can be easily extended
(without recompiling the sources) for handling new languages), modify
an existing one, and, most importantly, debug a language definition file.
Source-Highlight-Ide uses the library included in GNU Source-Highlight, since version 3, thus you need that library to build Source-Highlight-Ide; in particular it uses Source-Highlight-Qt additional library,, which provides highlighting in Qt relying on GNU Source-Highlight. Thus, you need to install Source-Highlight-Qt as well. we refer to GNU Source-Highlight's and Source-Highlight-Qt's websites for further information about the library and its installation (you may want to check whether your distribution already provides packages for these two libraries).
Source-Highlight-Ide is free and open source GPL software.
The complete documentation is available here.
Note: before version 1.0 source-highlight-ide used to be a KDE
3 application; now it is a Qt4 application and its code was completely
Sources and binaries (when available) can be downloaded from
You can also get the source code via git (this way you will also access the latest version - probably the one in development stage, and not yet released):
git clone git://
and you can also browse the repository at
To build it I suggest to create a separate directory, e.g., build cd there and run
qmake ../
Remember that you must have already installed the source-highlight-qt library.
The qmake project of Source-Highlight-Ide uses pkg-config, (if this tool is installed in your system), to detect the library Source-Highlight-Qt (and implicitly also the GNU Source-Highlight library).
If you installed that in a standard place (e.g., /usr
or in a system directory where ldconfig and pkg_config find it) then this should be enough.
Otherwise you must specify the directory where pkg_config can find the file source-highlight-qt4.pc
and source-highlight.pc
); note that source-highlight-qt4.pc
will also contain the references to GNU Source-highlight library and headers, so you won't have to worry about that.
for instance, if you installed source-higlight-qt library in ~/usr/local
, then the .pc file will be in ~/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
and you'll need to use this directory for setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH
, e.g.,
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ qmake ../
the executable binary will be created in the directory bin
If pkg-config is not installed in your system, you'll have to specify the LIBS
qmake variables manually, using the correct path, for instance:
LIBS += -L~/usr/local/lib -lsource-highlight-qt4
INCLUDEPATH = ~/usr/local/include
You can also specify the name of the libraries to use by using SOURCE_HIGHLIGHT_QT_LIB
for source-highlight-qt, source-highlight and boost regex (used by
source-highlight), respectively. This is useful if pkg-config is not
installed in your system.
Once the building has sucessfully finished, you can install the
files with the command make install; binaries will be installed into /bin
and documentation (both html documentation and the one readable with qt assistant) into /share/doc/source-highlight-ide/html
You can customize the root of the installation directory with the environment variable INSTALL_ROOT
; for instance,
INSTALL_ROOT=$HOME/usr/local make install
You might need to become root if you install in a path different from your home.
source-highlight-ide is Open Source, under the GPL license.
News :
2010-03-11: release 1.0:
Screenshots :

Debugging a language definition file